Adoption Information / FAQ

Adoption Information / FAQ
If you are reading this then you are considering adoption, Yay!! Here is some information to help make the process go as smoothly as possible.
Please be aware that The Casual Cat Café does not facilitate adoptions. Each of the cats available for adoption are sponsored by a different rescue or shelter. They will be ones facilitating the adoption process. All information on how to contact rescue for an individual cat is listed in their profile.
Do you do same day adoptions?
Depends. Most of the rescues/shelters we partner with have different adoption processes and thus it takes time. So, while it is possible for a same day adoption to occur, it just really depends on the rescue and how quickly they are able to process the application. Please do not expect that you will go home with a cat that day.
What does the adoption process entail?
Each rescue has a different process. Please refer to the cat’s profile for information regarding that process. That may include an electronic application, a paper application, a home visit, a phone interview, etc. It just depends on the rescue.
I found a cat that I really want to adopt, but I will going out of town soon and do not want to adopt until I get back. Can you guys hold the cat for me until I get back from my trip?
We do not usually hold adoptions. If we do, this is only under special circumstances with an adoption approval from the rescue and their adoption fee paid. Also, we specialize in cat boarding. In the event, that you are wanting to adopt, but are leaving town soon you can board your cat with us! Information Regarding Our Boarding
I submitted an application or reached out to the rescue about adopting a cat; how long until I hear back?
Rescues are often run by individual people with full time jobs. If a process time is not stated on the cats profile, please give the rescue at least 72 hours to get back to you. If you still haven’t heard anything, please double check you have the correct contact information and try again. If you still haven’t heard from them after a week, you can reach out the Casual Cat Staff.
Can I bring my cat to meet one of the cats I am thinking about adopting to see if they get along?
Unfortunately, no. Check with the rescue you applying with to see if you can do a home trial adoption to see if the cats will get along. Please note that it can take time for two new cats to get along. It is a slow process that needs to be done with care. Please visit this helpful link to help with the introduction process. The Do's and Don'ts of Introducing Cats to One Another
What does ‘Pending Adoption’ mean on the cat’s profile picture?
Pending adoption means that an application has been put in for the cat’s adoption. This does not necessarily mean that the cat has been officially adopted, it just means that an application has been put in. If you are interested in a pending adoption cat, please reach out to the rescue about their current status. Applications fall through and you can be next in line, if that happens.
Why are some adoption fees higher/lower than others?
A higher or lower adoption fee has nothing to do with the value of the cat. Each rescue chooses an adoption fee they think is a fair reimbursement of the many vetting expenses paid to make sure your new friend is happy and healthy. Some rescues prefer higher fees, while others prefer lower ones. Bonded pairs that must be adopted together will usually have a higher fee, since they are two cats in one package!
I just adopted a cat from the café, what food have they been eating?
If in stock, the food that the cats are eating can be purchased in our retail section. It is recommended that you feed them what they have been use to in the lounge and then slowly transition them to a new food if that is what you are wanting to do. A sudden change in food can cause stress, upset stomachs, diarrhea, or a refusal to eat. The foods we provide in the lounge may change up, so please check with the Catsociate on duty to see what they are currently having. We let the lounge cats free feed and they get a portion of wet food at least once a day.
I was approved for adoption; I need to fill out a Record of Adoption. What is it?
Awesome! Please fill out the record of adoption by clicking this Record of Adoption Link. The record of adoption is for The Casual Cat Cafe’s record keeping. In the event of a cat being returned, we maintain a record of adoption to keep track of which rescue the kitties came from if they weren’t returned directly to their rescue.
If you have a question that was not answered here, please reach out to The Casual Cat Staff at We will be happy to help.